Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Првичнот впечаток за Македонија на еден кореец

Често се сретнувам со прашањето „ Што мислат корејците за Македонија?“ и често не знам како да одговорам. Реално, многу мал број на корејци знаат каде се наоѓа Македонија, некои никогаш не слушнале за неа, некои  наишле на името во филмови итн. Значи, во глобала, корејците знаат за нас толку колку што знаеме и ние за нив...малку!  

Но, неодамна имав можност да се запознаам со еден кореец кој патува низ Европа. Случајно слушнал за Македонија од студенти кои отишле да полагаат тест по јапонски во Софија. На нивно инсистирање ја посети и нашата земја. Го замолив да напише нешто за неговиот првичен впечаток за Македонија и македонците. Со задоволство прифати и на својот блог го напиша следново: 

Dear. Jana!

My view about Machedonians

First of all, It's very hard to say about Machedonians since I've just been Skopje for several days. But for I made my word with Jana, I'm trying to be sincere of that.

I think Machedonians is not spoiled yet, which means still have warm heart to strangers, and love the other people without doubt. Meanwhile most of tourism and socially problematic countries have suspicious eyes to strangers or calculating eyes to foreigners, which means seeing them as a money.

Moreover, Young generations in this country is really talented and brilliant. They can speak quite good English(The girl who thought herself with bad English was still better than average that of Korean student haha) and very active, comparing to eastern students. For example, my Machedonian friends comes to Sophia just to take JLPT test, and Simon -one of them- had tried to invite Korean&Japanese class to their University which they haven't had before. And now, there is a Korean class in Skopje Uni.'s just my guess but..(historical problem is always sensitive to speak)... Because Bulgaria and Greece argue that Machedonia is historically their territory, It seems that now Machedonia is on the process of setting range of their own history, to prove righteous independence. I felt this in the city center of Skopje, after watching lots of statues and monuments. But because history of Balkan peninsula is too complex to define as a history of one country, I think that's not going to be easy. (for example... Recently, the president and Prime minister of Bulgaria,Romania,Greece revealed their uncomfortable feelings with Machedonia's entering to EU)

Oh, and I forgot to say about similarity between Machedonian and Korean. Like us, Machedonian youngsters are usually independent from their parents late, just after marriage. But still the atmosphere of family is more friendly and freely while our fathers used to be more charismatic and strict. Besides, Just like Korean mothers prepare a hundred kilograms of Kimchi before winter, Machedonian mothers make Ajvar which is very fresh&delicious sauce? spread? whatever.

As a conclusion, I love Machedonians!! See you again in Korea, my friends X^)

И покрај тоа што ова е мислење на еден човек кој само на неколку дена беше тука, убаво е да се знае преспективата од која странците не гледаат нас..зар не?^^

Еве го и неговиот блог: има убави сликички...^^
Thank you Lucid Seungho Kim!!!
Благодарност и до Дамјан, што не запозна:))

[출처] 12/8(Sat) [스코폐 Skopje 2] 다미앙과 데이트, 마케도니아 친구들 만남, 커피 점, 아니마 클럽(Date with Damjan, Machedonian friends, Turkish coffee fortune telling, Anima club,essay about Machedonian)|작성자 Lucid

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